The Dyslexia Quiz

  1. Do you feel that your child can learn better if the reading assignment is read aloud to him or her?
  2. Does your child try to "sound out"' words but struggle with even simple words?
  3. Does your child spell words the way they sound rather than the way they are spelled?
  4. Does your child seem to quickly forget how to spell words he or she just learned?
  5. Is there a history of reading problems on either side of the biological family?
  6. Is there a history of bad ear infections during the child's first year of life?
  7. Does your child lose understanding when reading or when answering written questions?
  8. Did your child have an easy time with math skills until he or she started working with word problems?
  9. Is there a history of letter reversals that is longer or more pronounced than that of other children or people of the same age?
  10. Do you believe your child is of at least average intelligence?
If most of your answers to this quiz are "YES," there is a strong likelihood that dyslexia is a factor.

Contact our center today for more information on having an assessment and getting help.

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